Ready for the Games and I've Made a Friend

Up until 12:20am last night making the rest of the stuff for the Scottish Games to be held here in Bakersfield. I decided to empty out my shop of all its non-moving stuff and offer it for a discount at the games. Maybe it will be different when people see the jewelry in person vs. the Internet. Yes, I know that's ALWAYS going to be different... Anyway, if I'm able to divest myself of the old, I can start anew. Fresh is good!

A mosquito hawk has been flying around our house for the past couple of days. Last night it fluttered all around my work table. And then it settled on me. There's something comforting in the fact that an innocent creature of God trusts you.

Even if it is a bug.


She-ality said…
I have to thank you. Since moving to the mountains of PA, I have been swarmed every year by these. I didn't know what they were! I assumed they were male mosquitoes on the prowl. But your description, 'mosquito hawk' led me to the wiki on Crane Flies, which helped me understand why our lawn is covered in these huge buggers. They feed on the roots...aha! Thought they were harmless, but now I feel better knowing for sure that they are not taking part in breeding mosquitoes. THANKS.

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